Dive into the rapidly evolving world of multi-material 3D printing, highlighting how the integration of different materials in one build process is revolutionizing product design and manufacturing.
Everything you need to know about 3D printing with elastomers
This series of articles answers everything from the basics like “What are elastomers?” to detailed considerations that product designers, engineers and other users of additive manufacturing technology must consider when choosing materials and 3D printing hardware.
How to Smooth 3D-Printed Plastic Parts
Whether for form or function, many plastic parts need to be smooth. Unfortunately, additive manufacturing typically produces horizontal lines where each layer joins the next. Thus, surface finishing is often necessary before 3D-printed parts are ready for use. There are a number of ways to smooth out plastic parts produced by additive manufacturing.
Are 3D-Printed Polyurethanes Durable?
Unfortunately, 3D printing has earned a reputation as a crutch for printing throw-away novelties or prototypes. With recent advances in technology, that's no longer true. In this article, we dispel some common myths about additive manufacturing and PU.
3D Printing Prevents Shutdown at Leading Automotive Supplier
Valeo needed to quickly procure a very specific rubber grommet for cable assembly — or risk shutting down a commercial vehicle plant for one of their automotive OEM customers in Germany. With two weeks til shutdown, they called Chromatic.
Revolutionizing Seal Manufacturing
The quest for efficiency, cost effectiveness and flexibility is a perpetual in industrial manufacturing. Among the multitude of components produced worldwide, elastomeric seals are primed for innovation and advancement.